New Year of Caving





     We spent new years day heading out to Crystal Stan cave.It was a great start to the new year as we had wonderfull sunny weather for our hike to the cave.Once we reached the cave it was time for a brief lunch break then we headed in. I spotted a couple of spiders, Dale spotted a moth near the lower entrance and Angela spotted the tiniest centipede. It was only a half centimeter long. All to soon we’d gone trough the cave and it was time to head back up the trail. Marrianne suggested I lead the way so I’d be sure I could follow the trail. Getting back to the gully proved easy enough but from there the trail was pretty overgrown and I headed up away from the way we had come in. After a little scrambling through the bushes I gave up and pulled out my gps. It confirmed I was 300 feet from a trail. Turned out I was heading right for the road so I continued on up and then we leisurely walked down the road to where we’d left the vehicles so it worked out allright. Next it was off to Angels camp for some excellent pizza at Mountain Mikes a great ending for a great start to the new year.

Inside the cave

Inside the cave


great view from lower entrance

great view from lower entrance

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