Running with the bears

Racing Pigs

Racing Pigs

This summer my brother and his wife announced they’d be participating in “running with the bears” a half marathon and 10k run that would be taking place in Plumas county. This was a good excuse as any to head out for awhile so we went to watch the race.

finish line

finish line

It was a fun day watching the racing, with lots of things like face painting and paning for gold to keep the kids busy. Michael enjoyed the gold panning but mathew entertained himself by climbing underneath the tables.

beneath the tables

beneath the tables


The US Air Force even put in an appearance with a fly over of several planes



The fair was going on that week as well so we stopped in to watch the racing pigs, and check out the Swann bros. circus act.

Zippy the clown spotted my camera and threw his juggling act in for a close up!

Zippy the clown

Zippy the clown

A fun weekend in Plumas county.