Escarabajo and Monterey

On top of the world

On top of the world

I’m behind on my blogging so I’m going to try and catch up this week. I’m blaming my lack of posts on the fact that I’ve relinquished my boycott of steam. Between fallout3, replaying halflife2 and finally getting to try portal, and portal2  I’ve been keeping busy. Still going out and taking plenty of pictures though. Last month I headed south to Frank Raines OHV park to join the guys from NorCal Baja’s at the Escarabajo rally. Not all of the course was accessible for Baja’s(some of the trails are really steep)  but we had a great time and only one got stuck which was rapidly corrected with many helpful folks pushing it back on track.



By coincidence James called me and said he and Emily were escaping the snow that same weekend by heading to Monterey and since the rally had me already half way there I decided to join them. We spent the day at the Aquarium. Michael had a great time running from exhibit to exhibit. He especially loved the tunnel where waves crashed overhead.







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