Xin Nian Kuai Le


Little did we know what the year had in store for us in February. We hadn’t seen social distancing and the pandemic was still just a mysterious illness that was affecting a few people. In our blissful ignorance we made our way to what would prove to be one of the last large events we would attend for quite some time.

The drive down to LA was uneventful and we even arrived early enough to get a great parking spot near the center of all the days events.

Since we were early we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at a small bakery in the square and I read up about how Dr Sun had gone to school in Honolulu and had been financially supported by many supporters of the revolution in Los Angeles.


With breakfast out of the way we walked along the shops checking out the things for sale and tried to scope out a good place to watch the parade.


Bruce with Bruce, and Lora in the background

We even got to watch some dragon dancers perform while we waited.

Eventually we picked a spot on the sidewalk and prepared to wait for the parade. LAPD kept the crowd entertained while we waited.

Eventually it was time for the parade!

My favorite part is the dragons.

Afterwards we were pretty hungry so we made our way over to Hong Kong BBQ which served up a delicious meal. It was a great trip and we decided to head home afterwards since we were all pretty tired.

You can see the rest of the pictures here




Urban Adventure

Downtown SanFrancisco Downtown SanFrancisco “Lady in Red”

As promised earlier I made it to the Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco this weekend. I was quite excited as I had missed the last couple of years due to other things going on. I now have hundreds of images to sort through and   I’ve shot some video so hopefully I’ll be able to edit and post video as well. It’ll be awhile till I get through all that though so here’s a couple of pictures in the meanwhile.

Dragon Dancers Dragon Dancers

Dragon Dragon


child and red balloon

child and red balloon


This performer/dancer came as part of a troop all the way from Northern China!

City at night

City at night