Continuing in Africa

The Three Dikgosi Monument

The Three Dikgosi Monument the three Chiefs monument Khama III of the Bangwato, Sebele I of the Bakwena, and Bathoen I of the Bangwaketse.

Continuing my reminiscing from 2006 here’s part 2…

While I was sad to see most of the group departing I was glad my visit with my Parents in Botswana wasn’t over yet. Rolf was able to stay a few days longer and had expressed an interest in seeing some more animals so we headed out to the nearby Gaborone game preserve.  While not as lavish as our trip to Mokolodi with its wonderful restaurant the Gaborone game preserve   did allow us some wonderful animal watching especially the vervet Monkeys that made me laugh at their antics. I was especially excited to spot a monitor lizard by the side of the road as I have plenty of childhood memories of looking for these in Malawi. – I still remember my friends little sister screaming when one approached her in the water. We laughed since we had told her not to take our little boat out and she had anyway, but in all fairness it was a big monitor (over six foot) and she could have been seriously injured so we should have been more worried. We also visited the Botanical gardens again and went to see the Three Dikgosi Monument (three Chiefs monument).

Vervet Monkey

Vervet Monkey


Monitor Lizard

Monitor Lizard



This way to the caves

This way to the caves

After Rolf finally had to leave we were considering various things to do when I mentioned I had seen an advertisement for a cave near Sterkfontein, in South Africa, was that close enough for a visit. My parents said that wouldn’t be a problem but since it was a bit of a drive and we wanted to avoid driving home late at night we’d just plan on spending the night. As it turned out a visit to Sterkfontein was an awesome idea as it is a world heritage site due to it being the location where some of the earliest hominoid remains have been found. Hence its other name “the cradle of Mankind”.

They had a very nice museum on site so we got a chance to browse the exhibits while we waited to tour the cave.

Museum display

Museum display


Sterkfontein cave

Sterkfontein cave

Now most of the interest here was in the archeology and history the cave itself is not a particularly decorated one though it did have a few stalactites and stalagmites. Luckily though the nearby “wonder cave” has that all covered. My parents had had enough of stairs climbing in and out of Sterkfontein but since wonder cave boasted access via elevator they happily came along. The brochure forgot to mention the two hundred or so steps you have to climb to reach the elevator.


Wonder cave

Wonder cave

This cave was also well worth a visit for despite previous limestone miners having removed a lot of formations from the cave there were still tons of beautiful formations. It also happens to be at the site of the lion and Rhino preserve a private game reserve so after spending the night at the nearby Big five lodge. We returned to check out the animals.

Inquisitive Ostrich

Inquisitive Ostrich

I think this ostrich wanted me to roll down the window so he could see if we had any food in the car. I wasn’t obliging.

While we did see the rhino’s they managed to keep their distance in the tall grass so I didn’t get any good pictures, the lions and some crested cranes were much more cooperative.

crested crane

crested crane



Oh and Zebras lots of zebras!



Guinea fowl

Guinea fowl


All to soon it was time to begin the long drive back to Botswana but we had one more treat in store for us a lovely rainbow!






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