Get your motor running



Since this last Monday I had a)the day off, b)no real plans and c) the weather was looking pretty wonderful, I decided to hop on the motorcycle and see where I wound up.

I found my self heading south east and spotted a dirt road. I had to check it out. The nearby cows wondered where I thought I was going.

Moooo cows

Moooo cows


Perhaps I should have listened to them as it wasn’t long before my way was completely blocked by a large pool of water. I turned around and found a trail leading into a nearby housing development. Now I was heading North east and I decided to continue along this route. Passing through Folsom I found myself going along the lake on Salmon Falls road. At the North end of the lake I stopped to watch some gold panners and check out several beautiful butterflies gathered on the shore.




It wasn’t long though before I was on the road again, passing the Forest hill bridge and heading steadily up into the hills. The Sunshine felt wonderful and warm but still I could detect a chill in the air and as I pulled into the town of Foresthill I spotted patches of snow on the ground.   I only continued a few more miles up the road before I decided that I really didn’t want to ride my bike in any snow, having already experienced that many years ago, so I turned around prepared to head home. Then I spotted a sign that said 15 miles to Colfax. With only a moments hesitation I decided to go that way.  This turned out to be an interesting choice as almost all of the 15 miles was dirt or gravel. Still it was a beautiful stretch of road and the recent rains and melting snow meant that there were numerous waterfalls all along the way to stop and enjoy.

Another waterfall

Another waterfall

At one point I was startled to turn around and spot a dead dear by the roadside, looked like a vehicle had hit it and something had been chewing on it as the back half was mostly gone, yech. Reaching the suspension bridge down at the bottom of the canyon I went for a short hike along the river which was really roaring along.

roaring river

roaring river


By now it was getting late enough in the day though that it was time to hit the road and ride on to Colfax in time for dinner.

wild flowers

wild flowers



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